Friday, December 29, 2006


I saw a kid, who was using some machinery on his ears. That small 'computers' made him able to hear. Since he hears using those, his speech was not that good, because speech is just imitated hearing. But, can you imagine how happy it is for him and for his parents that he, who most probably could not hear and speak without those devices, can now both hear and speak? If, the technology can greatly improve even only that one person's life, then it is worth. From now on, no one can tell me technology is making things worse...
And by the way, computer science rocks :)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Türk-Amerikan yaklaşım farkları

Melvin'in yazısından alıntıdır (hoş, o da tahminen bir yerlerden aldı ama olsun, kendi hazırladıysa da helal olsun :)

Amerikan: hey dostum burda bir problem mi var ?
Turk: noluyo lan burda ?

Amerikan: nasil gidiyor mike?
Turk: napiyon lan?

Amerikan: korkarim seni oldurecegim!
Turk: salavat getir pezevenk!

Amerikan: oov dostum hic cool olmamissin.
Turk: bu ne lan götüme benzemissin.

Amerikan: hey steve, neden kendine bir icki koymuyosun?
Turk: la suleyman, kap iki bira gel bakim hemen!

Amerikan: lanet olsun sana christine!
Turk: allah belani versin nurcan!

Amerikan: tanri askina brad kes sesini artik!
Turk: allahim sabir ver, sus lan yeter!

Amerikan: aman tanrim simdi napicaz?!?
Turk: ha siktir sictik?!?

Amerikan: help me please...
Turk: baksana lan!!!

Amerikan: ne derler bilirsin jack, hayat beklenmedik surprizle doludur
Turk: valla oglum bir soz var hani, kaderde varsa düzülmek neye yarar üzülmek...

Amerikan 1: dante'nin bu kitabini okudun mu micheal?
Amerikan 2: aaa evet , gercekten edebi degeri olan bir calisma.
Turk 1: abi da vinci sifresini okudum super!
Turk 2: lan birak! iyice entel dantel oldun ! Layt herif !!

Amerikan: hey jerry gel pizza ye dostum...
Turk: sülo gel lan buraya mis gibi menemen yaptik...

Sunday, December 17, 2006


What is the color of the sky? (Please leave your answer as a comment)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Einstein was a knowledgeable man

I came accross the following the previous day. Supposedly, Einstein said it. But the quote is more important than the owner:

"A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it."

I strongly believe this is true, especially since I'm trying to write a conference paper.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Best Translation Award (given by Cengiz)

I got the "Best Translation Award" from Cengiz for the following translation of a Turkish song. You can listen to them from my voice if you'd like.

The original is:

Hatırla sevgilim
O mesut geceyi
Çamların altında
Verdiğin buseyi

Beni mesut ettin
Sen de olasın
Aşkımı inkar edersen
Allah'tan bulasın

My translation is:

Remember my dear
That happy night together
That kiss you gave to me
Under the willow tree

You made me very happy
May you be happy too
But if you deny my love to you
Then I am cursing you

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Google Documents

I was expecting this to happen. Everything is moving online. In foreseeable future, all the things will be running online so that you can reach your information anywhere you like. Although, there will be privacy issues, it a very nice thing.
So, go check and see the online document and spreadsheet editor of Google. It's free, so use it. You can reach your documents anywhere you like and you can convert them to the most useful file types. Give it a try.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

FC TSA Soccer News

FC TSA vs Your Mom: 5-0

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Free Image Browser

The best freeware image browser and photo editor is Fast Stone. Go check
www.faststone.organd get must-have applications for free. I've been using it for the two years now and I'm perfectly happy.
Have fun :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

on IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)

Nowadays IDEs show which right parenthesis or brace matches which left one. They should at least do the following two things:

- Instead of showing just the one on the right or left of the caret, show both.

-- Even better, they should color every left one with different color, and color the right one with the color of whichever left it's ending. For example, the first left parenthesis can always be red and I can thus know I should put right parenthesis until I get to the red one.


Just trying folks